Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Get Involved! - My First Column on Pink Seekers

Get Involved!

Let’s take a look around in the things around us. Do you see the reality in all of the things you see? The planet we’re living in is currently having a major threatening problem. It’s something all of us humans are responsible of. This issue has been talked about over and over again and it continues to be a hot issue as the planet also goes hotter these days – GLOBAL WARMING.

What has caused the rising temperatures on earth? Let’s have this situation for an example; your family has just received your monthly electricity bill and all of your energy consumption has amounted to Php 3 000.00. You say, well, where’s the problem there? Since you’re family’s wealthy, you can pay that amount even if it was more than that. You can’t see there’s more to that.

Yes, you are able to pay the electricity you’ve used, but what you can’t pay with even a billion pesos is the effect of what you’ve done to our environment. Your high consumption of energy contributes to the climate change we are experiencing today. The more energy you use, the more fossil fuels are burned. Burning of fossil fuels emits much amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. That will add to the thickening layer of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. Here’s where the greenhouse effect comes in. When light from the sun enters our planet, it turns to heat. Some of the heat are reflected back to space and some are retained on earth. The greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere acts like a thickening blanket that traps more heat on earth and causes the rising of temperature.

Here’s another situation. Take a look at our planet’s forests. There’s logging here and logging there, causing deforestation. Trees take in CO2, thus helping in the decreasing of its amount on earth. With the trees slowly becoming few in number, what would be the result of it to the environment? The atmospheric carbon would continue to increase in amount.

Looking around the city highways and streets around you, what do you see? Mostly vehicles, right? What makes those vehicles run? It’s gasoline – from fossil fuels once again. Not only that; vehicles also produce carbon monoxide, another form of atmospheric carbon that’s harmful to the environment. But this does not mean we have to stop traveling by means of vehicles. All we are asked to do is to minimize it for our planet’s own sake.

The situations above are just few of the many things that contribute to global warming. These things happen daily, harming our Mother Earth. We have no one to pinpoint our fingers to but ourselves. If we ponder things up, all we’d realize is what our world is experiencing right now’s all because of us. Nature can take care of itself without any help from us humans. Here we are abusing what are given to us – the earth, our ONLY planet, making problems that we ourselves would suffer. Well, if we would not put a stop, better get ready to face the consequences. Don’t be surprise if one day, you wake up with all the land cracked, the earth’s forests on wild fire, small islands disappearing because of the rising sea levels, temperatures rising continuously, and you find it hard to breathe because of oxygen depletion.

There are things we could still do to prevent our planet’s condition from worsening. Here are some useful tips: 1. Turn off the lights when not in use, especially during daytime. 2. Use compact fluorescent light (CFL) since they use less energy. 3. Plug off appliances when not in use. 4. Make use of alternative energy sources such as solar panels. 5. Don’t overcharge your gadgets. 6. Plant more trees. 7. Reduce, reuse, recycle. 8. Just walk or ride on bikes when your destination is just near. This would also be a good exercise for you. 9. Share rides when going to school or to work with a co-employee or schoolmate to lessen the vehicles in use. This would also help lessen the traffic. 10. Lessen your unnecessary trips.

The problem on global warming needs action. Many has been said and done, and yet here we are acting as if we don’t care about anything at all. Earth is the only planet we have. If we would not be the ones to save Mother Earth, who will? Saving our environment is for our own good, too. Take a look again on what’s around you and this time, look more closely and start to ponder things. The need for action is now, not when everything’s too late already. It’s time to take part in the fight against global warming. It’s time to get involved.

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